This Node module is an attempt to provide a faster binding to Ruby Sass than currently available.
Explanation: Sass in a Rails app with LiveReload seems much faster than things like gulp-ruby-sass. I'm guessing this is because Rails runs Sass using the same Ruby process every compile, avoiding Ruby spin-up time, and benefiting from in-memory caching. This module tries to do something similar. Benchmarks to follow.
$ npm install ruby-sass
var sass = ; ;
Repeated calls should be faster than the first one.
You can also pass options as a second argument.
Alternative API
var Sass = Sass; var sass = ; sass; // same as the `sass` function in standard API.
Constructor options
These are optional.
– which port to usebasePort
) – if you don't set aport
, portfinder will be used to find one manually, starting at this base port.
To do
- source maps
make it so you don't have to wait for readykill ruby process when node exits or on uncaught exceptionmake a way to stop it manually- write benchmarks
- see if repeat runs on the same file are actually any faster. if not, look at using Sass::Plugin (?)
- make post install script to check if required gems are installed and print instructions to install them (or just install them?)
pass in sass options per-file, not per-instancesimplify api- test it on windows
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